Portuguese pronouns – Learn the possessive pronouns

Portuguese Pronouns. Pronomes possessivos em Português. Learn Portuguese with podcasts

Portuguese Pronouns – Possessive Pronouns in Portuguese

Hello and welcome to our 15th episode about Portuguese pronouns. Today we are going to speak about the possessive ones.

On this Portuguese Basic Tips we are going to speak about possessive pronouns in Portuguese. I’m going to give some examples for you  in order to make things easier to understand.

Possessive pronouns indicate something that belongs to the people. They show ownership, right? So, in English, we normally use “my”, “mine”, “your”, “yours” , “our”, “ours”,  “hers”, “his” and so forth.

In Portuguese, of course, we also have equivalent expressions to show ownership. I’ll pick up some phrases to use as example, and then I’ll try to add some explanations to them.

We certainly can see several differences between the Portuguese language and the English language, but as always, I’ll try to make a few comparisons between the two to explain it better.

At the end of this episode, you’ll be able to understand a few Portuguese pronouns such as: meu, minha, meus minhas, nosso, nossa, nossos, nossas, seu, sua, seus suas and so on.

To better understand this podcast, I suggest you listen to a previous episode I recorded about genders masculine and feminine in Portuguese. Although I also speak about gender in this audio, if you click on that link, you’ll find a better explanation about this subject.

If you want to know a little bit  more about possessive pronouns in Portuguese, try this website – only in Portuguese.

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I hope this Podcast will be useful to you as well as all the others!

Remember, listen to this audio as many times as you think you need! Portuguese pronouns may not be a matter you’ll understand at once, so keep practicing.

Vejo você na próxima semana!

Valeu, abraços!

Marcos Sales


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1 Response

  1. 18 de March de 2016

    […] E se você ainda não ouviu, acesse nosso último episódio sobre pronomes possessivos em português. […]

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