Portuguese connective – Final episode

In this episode we'll talk about Portuguese connective. This is the last episode of a series of 4 podcasts

Portuguese connective – Final episode

Hello and welcome to our 12th episode of Portuguese Basic Tips, the last one in which we’ll talk about Portuguese connective.

You have worked hard in the last few weeks. Congratulations! I think this is a big step for you to learn Portuguese.

When  we  are  speaking  about  learning  a  new language, sometimes making comparisons  is not the best way  to  achieve  success.  I know that!  That’s because we generally find specific  features  in  each  language  and  sometimes  we don’t  even  have  a  good  way  to  translate  them.  In  this case,  I  have  based  this  series  in  a  process  of  making comparisons,  but  you  don’t  have  to  worry!  I’m  trying  to put kind  of  a  tag  on  your brain.  Since  you  already  know related  terms  in  English,  if  you  listen  to  the  episodes again  and  again,  you’ll  remember  the  expressions  in Portuguese when you need.

I suggest you listen to the episodes as many times as necessary in order to fasten the knowledge contained in each podcast.  Sometimes when we want to learn a new language, we need to focus on repeat the lessons several times. You know that! It may not be so easy, may not be as fun as we wanted but it is a stage that we have to overcome.

At the end of this episode, you’ll be able to understand Portuguese expressions such as:

  • Com relação a
  • No que diz respeito a
  • Portanto
  • Então
  • Que eu saiba
  • Até onde eu sei
  • Quanto a mim
  • Através de
  • Por meio de
  • Mas
  • Entretanto
  • No entanto

Whether if you have forgotten or if you simply want to find something more specific about Portuguese connective, visit this website that has a great content about it.

Of course, click on the link if you have not heard our last episode of the series.

Become a Premium Member to download the transcript of this podcast

I hope it will be useful to you. Thank you for getting this far and stay with us.


Marcos Sales






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1 Response

  1. 26 de February de 2016

    […] você possa ter uma estadia agradável no Rio de Janeiro. Depois daquela sequência de episódios sobre connectivos em Português, vamos aliviar um pouco as […]

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